Vol. XIX, No. 2 |
Fall, 2006 |
CSA Web Site Usage
In the Winter, 2000, issue of the CSA Newsletter ("CSA Web Site Hits Milestone," Winter, 2000; XII, 3: http://csanet.org/newsletter/winter00/nlw0008.html), we announced a milestone on the CSA web site: 1,000 pages served in a single day. We have hit a new milestone, one that is both surprising and gratifying: 5,000 pages served in a single day. We first hit that milestone last March, and in April there were days when nearly 7,000 pages were served.
As has been the case continuously since its initial appearance, the AutoCAD tutorial is the most accessed page, and AutoCAD plus tutorial are the most commonly used search terms. The popularity of the page may reflect the need to access the page repeatedly to complete the tutorial, but it must also indicate that there are not many comparable resources.
A few other matters of note. Older articles from the Newsletter continue to attract readers, a 1994 article about the use of the total station, for instance, was among the often-accessed items. Usage varies widely from day to day and, more to be expected, from hour to hour during the day. Access is worldwide, with users coming from some 90 countries (The statistics specify 30 countries, but state that users come from 90 different countries, counting at least 6 U.S. user groups -- government, educational, etc. -- as different countries). Other CAD materials -- the CAD guide and the older CAD booklet -- are used well, but the CSA Layer Naming Convention is accessed less often than seems appropriate, given its importance to the effective use of CAD. The number of different URLs served in a month is generally more than 1200, but many of those are images; so it is hard to know, given the statistics available, how many different pages are requested in a given period. The statistics do tell us that more than 600 pages are used as "entry pages," i.e., the first page accessed when a user comes to the site.
The statistics suggest that the CSA web site is well used, and that is very gratifying news for all involved in its production and maintenance.
For other Newsletter articles concerning the use of electronic media in the humanities, consult the Subject index.
Table of Contents for the Fall, 2006 issue of the CSA Newsletter (Vol. XIX, no. 2)
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