Vol. IX, No. 4 |
February, 1997 |
Correction Concerning AIA Publications
A short item in the last issue of the Newsletter described a new Archaeological Institute of America publication initiative. The AIA is eager to assist in the publishing of materials from projects that have been concluded long enough ago that no person or institution now carries the responsibility for publication. The Institute is eager to assist with the publication of such materials, and the article indicated there would be a new series of publications for such works. However, a new series is not required. Works published by the AIA as a result of this new initiative will be published in the existing monographs series.
Our apologies for the error.
An added announcement concerning this initiative was recently broadcast on the Internet by the AIA's Monographs Committee, as follows:
Not long ago the Monographs Committee of the Archaeological Institute of America announced a new publication initiative. We announced our eagerness to support the publication of unpublished materials from field projects that have been concluded or suspended for some time. To that end, we indicated our willingness to offer assistance other than publication if, given the limitations of the funding available to the Institute, publication of the material by the AIA is not possible. This support may be in the form of small grants for specific and limited tasks that are required prior to publication (for example, drawing, photography, development of photographs), advice and help in securing such funding, assistance with electronic portions of the publication, or assistance in finding an appropriate publisher.
The announcement did not make clear our intention to offer this assistance for work in the traditional AIA areas of Old World archaeology. Much as we might wish it to be otherwise, our limited funds cannot be spread to cover projects beyond our traditional areas of emphasis. We encourage scholars to forward proposals involving work in the Old World and regret any confusion caused by previous announcements.
Scholars who are interested in submitting a proposal are encouraged to contact the Monographs Committee Chair before doing so. Proposals will be considered three times each year, deadlines for the three groups of submissions are October 30, January 30, and April 30. For further information, please contact the Chair of the Monographs Committee, Professor Naomi Norman, Dept. of Classics, University of Georgia, 221 Park Hall, Athens, GA 30602 (nnorman@uga.cc.uga.edu).
Next Article: Almost Virtual Reality
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