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As the Archaeological Data Archive began to grow rapidly, the need for a CD recorder became more pressing. Therefore, a Yamaha CD rocorder and the necessary software, HyCD Multimedia, from CDR Publisher, were purchased in April. ADAP personnel are in the process of learning to use the machine and the software so that files can be archived in a formal, systematic fashion, as planned. The data files now in the archive will be copied onto CDs by the end of May, and one archival copy of each CD will be placed in the bank vault to insure against loss.
The software, said to be the most important part of a CD recording system, seems impressive so far, and its help system includes an interesting wrinkle. The help system connects to the company Web site for updated information.
For other Newsletter articles concerning the ADAP, consult the Subject index.
Next Article: Bronze Age Material Added to Data Archive
Table of Contents for the May, 1996 issue of the CSA Newsletter (Vol. 9, no. 1)
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