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Federal law requires each state to have data regarding cultural resource properties and sites. Such data are normally stored in the office the the state historic preservation officer, though they may be in multiple offices and may even be maintained by different agencies. A recent grant from the National Science Foundation (under the Small Business Innovative Research program) to Ebert & Associates, Inc., is intended to foster the development of a GIS framework to coordinate these state data files.
During the first phase of the work, the project personnel will examine the range of data currently managed, management systems and methods, and requirements for the data in the future. Many related matters, including data standards, networking, and document imaging will also be considered.
For further information, contact James Ebert, Ebert & Associates, Inc., 3700 Rio Grande Boulevard, Suite 3, Albuquerque, NM 87107-3042 (505) 344-2345 (ebert@bootes.unm.edu).
Next Article: Exploring Ancient Architecture - A Review
Table of Contents for the November, 1994 issue of the CSA Newsletter (Vol. 7, no. 3)
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