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The CSA Newsletter is entering its tenth year, and some changes have been introduced here in the first issue of Volume X. First, the layout has changed a bit, as you can see. The Table of Contents will now be the only thing on the cover, and we hope the short descriptions and the division into articles, notes and regular items will help you know better which articles are likely to be of greatest interest. Of course, the general appearance of the front page has been changed as well.
Other small changes will be noted throughout this issue. In part these changes reflect our abandonment of the Macintosh for making the CSA Newsletter and the use not only of a PC but a new program (Pagemaker®) as well; in part they are changes to spruce up the appearance of the Newsletter.
Second, and more important, we are changing the frequency of the Newsletter. The CSA Newsletter has been a quarterly publication, and there have been 12 pages per issue for the last few years. It will now become a three-times-per-year publication, with sixteen pages in normal issues. The total content for each volume will not change, but, by making the individual issues of the Newsletter longer and the mailings less frequent, we can reduce domestic mailing costs by a quarter. (The cost per unit for domestic postage will not change if we send sixteen pages.) Reductions in mailing costs for distribution outside the U.S. will not be so significant, but there will be some savings there, too, as well as some savings in printing costs.
The thrice-yearly mailing schedule will be May, September, and January, with the issues labeled as Spring, Fall, and Winter. We will try to get the spring issue into the mail early enough that it arrives before the end of the semester. The fall issue will be sent late enough in September that it will not be buried in the beginning-of-term avalanche.
We hope you like the new format and the new mailing schedule. As always, readers' comments are greatly appreciated. This is a perfect time for you to suggest other changes.
Next Article: The CSA Newsletter Mission
Table of Contents for the Spring, 1997 issue of the CSA Newsletter (Vol. X, no. 1)
Table of Contents for all CSA Newsletter issues on the Web