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Our most recent request for support of the CSA Newsletter was in the Spring, 1997, issue. We are pleased and grateful that so many of you have responded with contributions and words of encouragement since that time, and we hope that all will wish to contribute. An envelope is enclosed in this issue for your convenience.
We are able to process either VISA or MasterCard charges. If you send us your card number and type, expiration date, amount of contribution, full name on the card, and billing address, we will charge your account and send a receipt-and a note of thanks.
The date of your last contribution should appear on your mailing label. If it is in error, please let us know.
A special thanks to these readers who have contributed since the Winter Newsletter (as of May 1, 1998):
Elizabeth C. Banks | Theodore Chenoweth |
Michael Eisner | John V. Hastings, III |
G.N. & Elfrieda Knauer | Carol C. Mattusch |
Karen Rubinson |
We would also like to thank Samuel H. Francis for his generous contribution to CSA and Autodesk®, Inc., Visio® Corporation, and DotSoft® for software contributions: AutoCAD R14 for the Propylaea Project from Autodesk, IntelliCAD® from Visio, and ToolPac utilities for AutoCAD from Dotsoft.
Table of Contents for the Spring, 1998 issue of the CSA Newsletter (Vol. XI, no. 1)
Table of Contents for all CSA Newsletter issues on the Web