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Harrison Eiteljorg, II
Since I reported on the problems with email files recently -- CSA Newsletter, Vol. XVI, No. 1; Spring, 2003, Harrison Eiteljorg, II, "Email File Formats: Trickier Than I Thought," http:// csanet.org/newsletter/spring03/nls0304.html -- this follow-up seemed appropriate.
A program I recently located for MACs called Emailchemy® (see http://www.wierdkid.com) will translate email files from format to format. Testing this past November showed it to work very well for moving files from the Mozilla format to the MAC Mail format. The company has a Windows version as well, but I have not used or tested it. (The interface was not as intuitive as it might be, but the program did its job, apparently without any problems.)
I stopped using Mozilla® (and its offspring called Thunderbird)® when it suddenly became impossible to keep all the email files on the laptop and work with them from either the MAC on my desk at the office or the laptop when away from the office. (This happened when I upgraded the software to the latest versions; both Mozilla and Thunderbird changed at the same time. Whether that function will return or not, I have no way of knowing.) A highly-rated MAC email program called Mailsmith® permits that same functionality; so it is my new email program of choice.
It is very convenient to be able to use either the desktop or laptop machine to work with the same set of email files. The more convenient desktop computer can be used at the office and the laptop elsewhere - without ever moving the files. This is an approach to be recommended to anyone who uses a laptop regularly.
Harrison Eiteljorg, II
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