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The Bryn Mawr Electronic Resources Review (BMERR) is up and running. Reviews of electronic resources-CDs and Web sites-having to do with the ancient world will be produced regularly and posted to the BMERR Web site (www.csanet.org/bmerr). In keeping with the tradition established by the Bryn Mawr Classical Review, there will also be a subscription list for distribution of the reviews-actually two lists. The complete reviews will be sent to subscribers of one list; notices of each review, with the direct URL for that review will be sent to the subscribers of the other list.
The lists are called bmerra (for full reviews) and bmerrb (for notices only). To subscribe to either list, send a message to majordomo@brynmawr.edu. In the message say only subscribe bmerra-l or subscribe bmerrb-l, as you choose. Of course, the Web site may be accessed at any time without waiting for email notification; the notifications, though, will let subscribers know when new items have been posted. (A facility for subscribing to either list will also be available at the Web site.)
For other Newsletter articles concerning the use of electronic media in the humanities or CSA projects, consult the Subject index.
Table of Contents for the Winter, 1999 issue of the CSA Newsletter (Vol. XI, no. 3)
Table of Contents for all CSA Newsletter issues on the Web