Welcome to the CSA Search Page. We have tried to avoid re-inventing wheels; so this page will actually lead you to the Google site, with some variables already filled in for you. In each case, we have provided a URL that should take you directly to Google's Advanced search page with specific variables already filled. You will then be able to add specific search terms and commence the search process. (We have also provided here a text version of the URL that you can use if necessary and a clear indication of what the search page should contain when you use the provided URL.) Please let CSA personnel know if you encounter any problems.


Our thanks to Google for providing the means to accomplish this kind of searching.

Search the entire CSA site, using your search terms. This process will search all documents on the CSA Web site. (You must search the CSA Propylaea Project web site in a separate search.) You will enter your own specific search terms on the Google page, where you will find the limitation to the domain of CSA's web site already filled in. (http:// http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q=+site:csanet.org&hl=en&lr=&safe=off)

Search the CSA Propylaea Project site, using your search terms. This process will search all documents on the CSA Propylaea Project site. You will enter your own specific search terms on the Google page, where you will find the limitation to the domain of the CSA Propylaea Project web site. (http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q=+site:propylaea.org&hl=en&lr=&safe=off)

Search CSA Newsletters, using your search terms. This process will search all CSA Newsletter articles available at the CSA Web site. You will enter your own specific search terms on the Google page, where you will find the limitation to the domain of CSA's web site and a limitation to documents containing the phrase "CSA Newsletter" already filled in. (http:// http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q=CSA=Newsletter+site:csanet.org&hl=en&lr=&safe=off)

Search Archaeological Computing Site, using your search terms. This process will search all pages on the Archaeological Computing site (archcomp.csanet.org). You will enter your own specific search terms on the Google page, where you will find the limitation to the domain of CSA's Archaeological Computing site already filled in. (http:// http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q+site:archcomp.csanet.org&hl=en&lr=&safe=off)

Last Update: 18 August 2010.