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Professor Nancy Wilkie of Carleton College applied for and received a Curricular Computing Grant from Carleton to work with CSA Director Harrison Eiteljorg, II, on a tutorial for archaeology students learning to use AutoCAD. Ms. Wilkie came to the CSA office and worked with Mr. Eiteljorg on making the tutorial, and a series of beginning lessons has been put together. The idea is to include those AutoCAD commands that an archaeology student would need in order to do basic work. The tutorial has been partially constructed, though some parts await the receipt at CSA of the latest version of AutoCAD, Release 13. The tutorial will be tested both at Carleton and at CSA, and it will be used by Ms. Wilkie in her classes. It will also be available at the CSA Web site.
Mr. Eiteljorg expects to expand the tutorial on a regular basis, adding sessions that deal with more complex commands and processes so that users can experiment with most of the commands they might need. The tutorial cannot replace a class, but it can help get someone started with AutoCAD - in part by ignoring the commands that are of little or no value to archaeologists or architectural historians. Once started with the program, users of the tutorial should be able to gain the experience and confidence to continue.
The tutorial will be put on the CSA Web site as soon as possible. It should be available by the end of March, but it will be a work in progress, undergoing regular additions and alterations. Feedback from users will be greatly appreciated.
For other Newsletter articles concerning the use of CAD in archaeology and architectural history, consult the Subject index.
Turn to related article: Workshop for Surveying and AutoCAD
Table of Contents for the February, 1996 issue of the CSA Newsletter (Vol. 8, no. 4)
Table of Contents for all CSA Newsletter issues on the Web